These are some shots of those that turned up to our final official group meeting. I am pleased to say 'Craig and max you will have mask's that will actually fit your faces for monday'. The ones I have ordered from amazon came today.
We writ on the balloons 'Freak show ps1 7- 8th ' we dispersed them around b.c.u. This was a way of advertising.
Steph also has taken pictures of the stunts and has finished the flyers, which were given out today. Charlie and Emily have teamed there intelligent brains and have completed the press release.
Dec and I previously looked at different materials and bought sample pieces to last thursday's meet up session. As a group we decided on green and purple stripped curtains influenced by Tim Burton's 'Sweeney Todd'. Dec and I revisited the store today and bought 5meters of fabric, which I will put up monday.
I have bought balloons, glow sticks and party poppers to give out on the first night.
I am going to work on the footage taken today to make a short video to put on youtube of Craig's and max's stunt.
Thanks to Emily.Craig.Charlie.Dec.Max.Steph.
I have full confidence that our exhibition will be a hit.
Everyone who still needs to pay Emma please dont forget! - Steph